Streets Alive Yarra has broad community support
Most Australians
Most Australians would like to see more investment in active transport infrastructure:

Most Victorians
Most Victorians would like to see more bike lanes installed, including, if necessary, removing car parking to free up space:

…three in four (76%) Victorians want local and state governments to adapt infrastructure so more people can walk or ride.
VicHealth survey 2020
Most parents
Most parents support safe routes to school, including infrastructure for walking and cycling:
Most Melburnians
Most Melburnians support for 20-minute neighbourhoods, better footpaths, bicycle lanes, trees and place making:
We were heavily involved in the consultation program for Melbourne’s long-term land-use plan, Plan Melbourne. The idea that resonated most with many participants was shaping the city as a series of 20-minute neighbourhoods.
John Stanley and Roz Hansen, from The Conversation
Most Yarra residents
Most Yarra residents and ratepayers support safe, active and sustainable transport, and council has a long history of supporting walking and biking:

Yarra school students
Yarra school students support safe and active transport, as this is the key to their personal mobility.

More people using active transport
More people in Melbourne (and Yarra) are using sustainable transport:

More people using public transport
Across greater Melbourne, more people are choosing public transport, especially if they live close to it:

The number of people using public transport is especially on the rise in the inner city, including Yarra:

More people cycling
In Yarra, the number of people who choose to cycle is increasing:

More households without a car
The Council Plan states that Yarra has more households who don’t own cars, compared to other municipalities:

Fewer cars per person
Census data analysed by shows that the City of Yarra has a higher population density and fewer vehicles per person than other comparable municipalities.

Fewer people with a driver’s license
Many young Australians are choosing not to get a drivers license:

How you can help
You can help by appearing on the Streets Alive Yarra website as a champion for your local street, neighbourhood, or school.