A footpath network is an integrated, cohesive set of protected footpaths, suitable for all ages and abilities, enabling people to walk to any destination in Yarra.
A footpath network would deliver the following benefits:
- Enable local residents to easily access local traders, making Yarra better for business,
- Enable those who wish to walk (or roll on electric wheelchairs) to be able to do, thus reducing congestion and making Yarra better for people with disabilities and better for drivers,
- Comply with federal, state and local government policies on road safety, and
- Help people in the City of Yarra respond to our climate emergency.
Yarra Footpath Network
Yarra’s footpath network should consist of good footpaths in 30 km/h Low Traffic Neighbourhoods that lead to much wider footpaths on access streets and shopping streets.

Footpath width
Footpaths on many streets in Yarra are too narrow or too sloping, and should be widened and levelled. Best practice footpaths provide sufficient width so people can walk side by side, or pass others. The required width increases as a function of traffic, as described by the NSW Walking Space Guide:

Footpath continuity
Yarra’s footpath network should include continuous footpaths (also called continuous footways or raised threshold treatments) on shopping streets and access streets, when they cross minor side streets.

Quality paving
Yarra’s population is now high enough to justify using quality paving on all footpaths. Quality paving is visually differentiated from asphalt, thus indicating priority for people walking, and resists moving or cracking (from reactive soils or tree roots). We already use high quality paving around some public transport stops – this should be extended to all footpaths.

Yarra policy
Yarra has adopted a Transport Strategy which includes a New Deal for Walking, with a comprehensive list of actions. This is wonderful policy and we look forward to seeing it implemented.
Policy 3. Implement a New Deal for Walking – make the network suitable for all ages and abilities. A New Deal for Walking focuses on measures that maximise space to allow more people of all ages and abilities to walk around Yarra.
City of Yarra Transport Strategy.

Supporters of a footpath network, including wider, clearer protected footpaths, include Victoria Walks and Strong Towns.

Other information on footpaths
Learn more from our collection of pages on footpaths:
How you can help
You can help by appearing on the Streets Alive Yarra website as a champion for your local street, neighbourhood, or school.