Griffiths Streets is a north-south access street next to Richmond High School, in between Bridge Road and Highett Street.

Griffiths Street is 20 metres wide, from property boundary to property boundary:

Street design
Griffiths Street is next to Richmond High School, and should be a calmed ‘school street’. Parking can be retained on one side, e.g. the east side, alongside the apartments. The two lanes (total of 6.5 metres wide) can be narrowed to a single mixed lanes (total of 5 metres wide), and the remaining space on the west can be used to expand safe public open space for students, e.g. grass, trees, and bike parking. The school could even move its fence 4 metres to the east.
Street trees
In June 2023 council admirably planted 14 new trees along Griffiths Street, in between car parking bays:

Unfortunately, council also planted new trees on the footpath, which narrows it. It would have been better to also locate these on the road, in between car parking bays.

How you can help
You can help by appearing as a champion for your street or neighbourhood.