McCutcheon Way is a small street next to Collingwood College, in Local Area Place Making (LAPM) precinct #12 (Collingwood).
New indoor sports complex
The Victorian School Building Authority is building a new indoor sports centre at the school, at an estimated cost of $8.3m, to be shared by the school, the Collingwood Basketball Association and the wider City of Yarra community.
Place making opportunity
The indoor sports complex will attract a lot of new users, meaning that the local street offers an ideal opportunity for traffic calming and place making, using some tactical urbanism:
Local champion
Your local champion for McCutcheon Way is Ben Richards, who lives close by to the school. Ben writes:
As a local resident, I’d like to participate in formulating ideas for traffic calming measures. I’d probably begin by consulting with the various stakeholders involved:
Ben Richards
– Locals
– Collingwood Allstars
– Collingwood College
– Local businesses
– Yarra Council
Currently I have no idea of what plans are in place, we’re expecting the locale to be very busy as soon as the basketball stadium begins operations.