Let’s improve where we live

Our residential streets can be much better, with more trees, lower speeds and space to relax, meet and socialise.

Livable Streets

Donald Appleyard’s seminal ‘Livable Streets‘ research in the 1960’s and 1970’s showed that social interaction improves when traffic flow is reduced.

Yarra policy

Council has adopted a Local Liveable Streets document, with an aspiration to create high quality places where people want to spend time in, feel safe and feel connected to their local area and community.

Image credit: City of Yarra


We need to filter and calm residential streets within 30 km/h Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, and then gradually invest in greening and place making. The image below shows a proposal for Oxford Street in Collingwood, from Message Consultants:

Image credit: Our Streets are not Garages, Message Consultants.

Guidance from the UK

The following image shows a ‘filtered street’ part of a new ‘filtered neighbourhood’ in the City of Manchester, UK.

Source: Sustrans

Design proposals

Many of Yarra’s streets have a page on our website, some of those are highlighted below. Others can be found using the search box:

How you can help

You can help by appearing on the Streets Alive Yarra website as a champion for your local street, neighbourhood, or school.

Let’s build a beautiful, liveable and accessible city