The Melbourne Pollinator Corridor is a vision of flowering gardens on nature strips, providing a habitat for pollinators such as native bees, flies and beetles. The idea is from The Heart Gardening Project.

Original proposal for the Melbourne Pollinator Corridor. Image credit: The Age.

Extension into the City of Yarra

The proposal could easily be extended into the City of Yarra.

Melbourne Pollinator Corridor extended into the City of Yarra. Image credit: Apple Maps, Streets Alive Yarra.

Permission to plant on the nature strip

The idea is based on flowering gardens on nature strips, i.e. council permission for residents to plant and maintain gardens on the nature strips. The City of Port Phillip permits residents to plant gardens on nature strips and verges:

Image credit: City of Port Phillip

Yarra policy

Yarra has an Urban Agriculture Strategy that supports planting on nature strips, and a Nature Strategy that supports habitat for native species.

Urban agriculture in Yarra today is largely made up of a mixture of home growers, community gardens, composting hubs, farmers markets, laneway gardens, nature strip plantings and over 170 planter boxes along Yarra streets.

Urban Agriculture Strategy 2019-2023
Yarra’s Urban Agriculture Strategy supports nature strip gardens. Image credit: City of Yarra.
Yarra’s Nature Strategy supports habitat for native species. Image credit: City of Yarra.

Next steps for Yarra

The next step for the City of Yarra is to update its strategies and policies to explicitly encourage residents to plant flowering gardens on nature strips, and for residents to volunteer to plant and garden.

Image credit: Streets Alive Yarra.

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