Open Government CEO salary

Following on from our journal article on Open Government, we suggest that when Yarra appoints a new CEO, council should follow the lead of Mornington Peninsula Shire and publish the CEO’s salary.

Example from Mornington Peninsula Shire

On the 7th December 2021 Mornington Peninsula Shire Council resolved to disclose the CEO’s salary, in the interests of public transparency and accountability.

All Councillors and the CEO supported the public disclosure of the CEO’s salary. Council is confident that its decision is appropriate, supported by sector standards and the achievements of the CEO.

Mayor Anthony Marsh, Mornington Peninsula Shire
Recording of Mornington Peninsula Shire Council meeting on 7th December 2021, for item 5.3. Credit: Mornington Peninsula Shire.
Excerpt from Mornington Peninsula Council meeting agenda for 7th December 2021. Image credit: Mornington Peninsula Shire.

On 9th December, council published the CEO’s salary on the council website:

Publication of CEO salary. Image credit: Mornington Peninsula Shire.

Published 14th December 2021

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