$1,000 is a great price

The website drive.com.au claimed that $1,000 for an on-street parking permit is an “eye-watering price“. No it isn’t. It’s a great price, far lower than the $4,000 required for commercial …

Draft Financial Sustainability Strategy

Council is asking for feedback on their draft Financial Sustainability Strategy: Strategic Levers The Draft Financial Sustainability Strategy offers seven Strategic Levers: Notably, the strategy describes the user pays principle: The …

Off-street parking fees in Yarra

The price for off-street parking in Yarra varies by location, up to an average of $4,600 per year in Fitzroy. Pricing was determined by averaging the prices obtained from surveys …

Parklet pricing

In October 2020, the City of Yarra announced a temporary parklet program, enabling traders to occupy on-street car parking bays with parklets for outdoor dining. Council resolved to not charge …

Pricing of on-street parking

The Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) has published a free guide to the pricing of on-street parking, aimed at municipal planners. Parking in cities is not just about …

Free pizza = free parking

Imagine if the City of Yarra set up a stall on each street, each day, to give away free pizza. Many people would like it. Many parents would stop at …

Faster reforms to parking

A previous article examined Yarra’s existing parking policies, highlighted their inconsistencies, and offered solutions. Most of the proposed solutions require council to update their systems and technologies, such as releasing …