Yarra’s sports (or physical activity) strategy was adopted in September 2021:
Council followed up with a draft ‘Action Plan for 2022-2024’ in April 2022:
A core part of the strategy is inclusion:
Reforms to fees
Aligning with the strategy, council proposed reforms to fees in March 2021 that offer higher subsidies to clubs that demonstrate inclusive participation. This reform was combined with an overall increase in fees, with the intent to:
- decrease subsidies from an average of 98% to a maximum of 80% (which is the industry norm), so council could maintain grounds at an acceptable standard for future generations, and to
- provide some room to offer higher subsidies to clubs that demonstrate inclusive participation.
The current allocation process also does not incentivise clubs and hirers to actively drive introductory opportunities or modified activities and sports for people of all ages and abilities. This results in a lack of diversified sport opportunities that would ordinarily act as a mechanism to encourage participation and allow everyone to enjoy sport and recreation regardless of age, ability, etc. The provision of active recreation opportunities for members of underrepresented groups, those with a disability, CALD, women, juniors and others is at the core of what Recreation and Leisure Services seek to facilitate. Therefore, the allocation of sports grounds and facilities should encourage and favour clubs and hirers that proactively drive opportunities for such groups.
Agenda of Council Meeting – Tuesday, 30 March 2021
State government policy
In October 2022 the state government released their Active Victoria 2022-2026 strategic framework:
This state government policy aligns with Yarra’s adopted policy, and supports fee reforms that offer more support to clubs that are inclusive. Note the use of the terms:
- ‘incentivise’,
- ‘invest in initiatives that address common barriers and provide more equitable participation’,
- ‘equitable access policies’,
- ‘equitable participation outcomes’
- ‘weighted investment criteria’.
Physical activity includes walking and biking
The state government’s ‘Active Victoria’ policy also supports council’s ‘Yarra Moves’ policy where it states that walking and biking are active transport, which is a type of physical activity. Going further, the state government policy shows that walking and biking are among the most popular types of activity. Logically, walking and biking are clearly among the most inclusive of physical activities, because anyone can participate at any time, without needing to join a club. This means that council should increase its focus on funding walking and biking as part of the Physical Activity Strategy and Action Plan.
Our view
We applaud the City of Yarra for:
- leading on support for inclusive physical activity, and for
- gaining clear alignment from state government policy.
We encourage council to continue its actions to:
- reform fees for sports clubs (to encourage inclusion and participation), and
- increase funding for the most inclusive types of physical activity, i.e. walking and biking.
Published 23rd October 2022.