Report into the increase in Victoria’s road toll

The Economy and Infrastructure Committee of the Parliament of Victoria has tabled it’s report into the increase in Victoria’s road toll:

Image credit: Parliament of Victorian

The committee released a video summarising the report:

Image credit: Parliament of Victoria

The report made some valuable findings and recommendations:

Image credit: Inquiry in to the increase in Victoria’s road toll

Streets Alive Yarra was mentioned in the report, including in the video (bottom centre in screenshot below) and the report on pages 54 and 119:

Image credit: Parliament of Victoria on YouTube
Image credit: Parliament of Victoria
Image credit: Parliament of Victoria

Our view

Streets Alive Yarra thanks the Committee for the opportunity to make a submission and appear before the committee. We urge the state government to acknowledge finding #5 and to implement recommendations #4 and #6, via our page of suggested actions, which would all assist to reduce Victoria’s road toll:

Published 29th March 2021