Councillors for 2021-2024

Streets Alive Yarra congratulates the nine elected councillors for the 2021 to 2024 term, as announced by the Victorian Electoral Commission on Friday 6th November. All nine councillors will have a vote on all key issues facing Council, irrespective of what ward they are from.

Image credit: Victorian Electoral Commission

Here’s a snippet from each councillor’s policy platform or public statements, regarding walking, cycling, public transport, trees and local area place making. Councillors are listed in alphabetical order (by surname):

We believe that Yarra can become a world-class city for active and public transport. We support a future-proof integrated transport system that is efficient, sustainable, accessible and adapted to a growing city.

CROSSLAND, Edward – from Yarra Greens Transport Policy

We aim to reduce emissions and congestion on roads for those who need to use them by enabling a variety of safe and healthy transport options. To cater for a growing number of people moving around Yarra, we prioritise sustainable transport modes that move the greatest number of people.

de VIETRI, Gabrielle – from Yarra Greens Transport Policy

[regarding Victorian Government $1.54 million funding for protected bicycle lanes on Wellington Street in Collingwood] This is a great win for the area. Let it be a start. Next stop Elizabeth Street, North Richmond.

JOLLY, Stephen – tweet from October 15th 2019

In this election the key issues have been the revitalisation of Richmond’s activity centres, strategic planning outcomes that deliver clarity and certainty, active transport and social outcomes around public health that delivers dignity and compassion.

LANDES, Herschel – from Facebook post 19th October 2020

Improve walking amenity, accessibility and safety with more drinking fountains, shade trees, seating, bins, dog facilities, shelter, lighting, accessible crossings and public toilets. Ensure that footpath capacity is maintained where there are competing proposals, and increased where possible.

MOHAMUD, Anab – from Yarra Greens Transport Policy

Advocate for infrastructure projects to reduce traffic congestion, address parking issues, take climate action, promote community safety and sustainable planning. Build pocket parks and implement traffic modifications to continue fostering the Cremunity.

NGUYEN, Claudia – from flyer

Traffic and cycling issues – strategies to reduce rat running and lower speed limits in residential streets, park and trail pathways for leisure activities and improved infrastructure for bike commuting in consultation with residents, informed by a community developed vision for the future.

O’BRIEN, Bridgid – from policy platform

Expand and prioritise a connected, safe and accessible pedestrian network, through the development of good quality walking links between residential, business, open spaces and public transport. Roll out 30kph zones in residential and high-activity areas across the municipality.

STONE, Amanda – from Yarra Greens Transport Policy

Expand and enhance Yarra’s bicycle network to make it safe, connected and direct. Create continuous, connected and direct separated bike lanes as part of a broader bicycle network.

WADE, Sophie – from Yarra Greens Transport Policy

Our view

Overall, it looks like a clear majority of councillors support walking, cycling, public transport, trees and local area place making. We look forward to working with Council to make Yarra a beautiful, liveable and accessible city.

Published 8th November 2020.