Auckland City Council published a Business Case for Walking:
The report describes how the urban realm has value:
And that walking has productivity benefits for businesses:
To provide appropriate infrastructure, we need to measure pedestrian congestion:
And then allocate space appropriately, on our shopping streets:
Our view
We applaud this work, and encourage the City of Yarra to follow suit by:
- Adopting best practice guidelines for the width of footpaths and bicycle lanes as a function of the number of people using them
- Installing sensors to measure the number of people walking (and cycling or using public transport) on shopping streets in Yarra
- Estimating the likely growth in the number of people walking and cycling in Yarra up to 2030
- Developing and implementing a 10-year plan to reallocate space to wider footpaths and protected bicycle lanes, to ensure enough space is provided to accomodate this growth
Published 27th August 2020