Parking map

Looking for somewhere to park? Check out Streets Alive Yarra’s parking map. Here are some screenshots, showing how different types of parking restrictions are shown with different colours, applicable for a typical weekday during business hours:

  • Red: free and unrestricted parking
  • Orange: free, restricted to 3, 4, 6, or 8 hours
  • Yellow: free, restricted to 1 or 2 hours
  • Blue: metered
  • Green: permit
  • Brown: free, loading, 15 minutes or 30 minutes
  • Purple: disabled
  • Black: car share
  • White: special, e.g. medical, church, taxi
Screenshot of online parking map. Image credit: Streets Alive Yarra.
Free and unrestricted parking in Yarra. Image credit: Streets Alive Yarra.
Metered parking in Yarra. Image credit: Streets Alive Yarra.

The map is based on Google Streetview, which may be out of date, so if you have any questions or find any errors, please let us know.

Published 29th November 2023