Protected intersections consist of kerb extensions that reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians, encourage vehicles to slow down when turning, and improve sight lines where vehicles intersect with cyclists. Pedestrians and cyclists are protected from the motor vehicles by kerbs.

Guidance from the Netherlands
The Netherlands show how protected intersections can fit in the available space:
Guidance from VicRoads
VicRoads Traffic Engineering Manual Vol. 3 Part 2.16 recommends a protected design:
Moray Street
Two protected intersections have been built on Moray Street at Dorcas and Coventry Streets.

Intersection at Moray / Dorcas. Image credit: Nearmap.
Proposal for Swan / Church Street
Streets Alive Yarra have proposed a protected intersection at Swan and Church streets, integrated with proposed protected bicycle lanes along those streets:
Design guides
Learn more from this collection of design guides, including the NACTO guide to protected intersections:

How you can help
You can help by appearing on the Streets Alive Yarra website as a champion for your local street, neighbourhood, or school.