Richmond West Primary School is one of more than 30 schools, TAFEs or universities in Yarra:

Image credit: Richmond West Primary School


Richmond West Primary School is located on Lennox Street, in Local Area Place Making (LAPM) area #14 North Richmond.

Image credit: Apple Maps.

School support for walking and cycling

The school encourages children to walk or ride to school by supporting the Walk to School and Ride to School programs.

Overflowing bike shed

Indeed, cycling to school is so popular the bike shed is now overflowing.

Principal Tip Kennedy at the overflowing bike shed. Image credit: Sarah Cather.


Students are asking for another bike shed at the rear entrance of the school.

Safe routes to schools and independent mobility for children can also be supported by converting LAPM 14 North Richmond into a 30 km/h superblock, linked to other neighbourhoods by a network of protected bicycle lanes.

Support from the school

The Richmond West Primary School Principal supports the call for safer streets:

Image credit: Richmond West Primary School

Local champion