Wangaratta Street is a north-south street near Richmond Station, that also hosts a small park:

Petition for more trees
In 2015 local residents petitioned council to plan more trees:

Minor refresh of Wangaratta Street Park
In 2018 the small park, also called Stewart Street Reserve, received a minor refresh, including a donated statue of Molly Meldrum. Council failed to expand the size of the park, despite suggestions from the community and despite adopted council policy to expand open space.

View of the park before and after the minor refresh. Image credits: Google Maps.
Swan Street Streetscape Masterplan
In 2021, as part of the Swan Street Streetscape Masterplan, the Wangaratta Street park was proposed for an expansion:

Suggestion for an expanded park and plaza
Wangaratta Street and Stewart Street host large numbers of people who line up to attend the Corner Hotel. The park could be greatly expanded, the footpaths doubled in width, and a paved plaza added outside the hotel. Vehicle access to all properties would be retained, while vehicle access to Swan Street would be via the signalised intersection at Lennox Street. This change would also improve safety for people walking along Swan Street.

Proposal for a greatly expanded park, and a plaza outside the Corner Hotel. Image credits: Apple Maps, Streets Alive Yarra.
How you can help
You can help by appearing as a our local champion for Wangaratta Street.