HER City

On International Women’s Day 2021, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), in partnership with Global Utmaning, published HER City, a guide to sustainable and inclusive urban planning. The guide …

On equity and social justice

One of Streets Alive Yarra’s values is a commitment to equity and social justice. All of our policy proposals and street designs are based on this value, including our proposals …

Living Streets

The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, the Australian Institute of Architects, and the Planning Institute of Australia have released a discussion paper on how to bring life back to our …

Streets are for everyone

Leading health & research organisations have collaborated to release a consensus statement “Streets are for everyone“: The statement makes three core recommendations: Based on a solid, positive business case: And …

NSW cycleway design toolbox

Transport for NSW has released a Cycleway Design Toolbox, leading Victoria’s Department of Transport in supporting: people of all ages and abilities micromobility of various types 3.0 metre wide bicycle …

Transport for All

Transport for All, a pan-impairment organisation, has published a report examining the impact of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) on people with disabilities. At Transport for All, we fully support the fight …

Transporting Melbourne’s Recovery

Infrastructure Victoria has released a report with immediate policy actions to get Melbourne moving: The report points out that as Melbourne recovers from COVID-19, many roads and streets will face …