Move that bus

NACTO (USA) has released a new guide, Move! That! Bus!, with guidance on how to dramatically improve the quality of bus service in a city within two years. Three actions …

Cremorne access loop

Ratio Consultants have released a conceptual conversation starter, for those who would like to give greater priority to alternative transport modes in the area. The concept involves a one way …

Better parking for better places

The Committee for Sydney has released a barnstorming report that advocates for multiple reforms to on-street parking, aligning with asks from Streets Alive Yarra: The report points out that on-street …

Yarra’s parking subsidy 2022

The City of Yarra has about 47,000 on-street car parking bays, which are offered at a subsidised price that is below the market rate. The total annual subsidy can be …

Eliminating the deficit

The council budget for 2022/2023 was adopted last week, with the officer report stating that council is facing a loss in excess of $50 million from COVID: The Municipal Monitor’s …

Asset Plan 2022-2032

Item 8.3 on the agenda for the council meeting on 23rd June 2022 is consideration of the Asset Plan 2022-2032 and the associated Asset Management Policy 2022. The officer report …

Safe and successful places

Swinburne University of Technology and iMove have published a report Exploring balance between movement and place in designing safe and successful places: Recommendations included separated bike lanes located adjacent to …