Lygon Street is a north-south shopping street that links the Coburg with the CBD. A short section of Lygon Street delineates two neighbourhoods in Yarra – between Princes Hill LAPM 1 and North Carlton LAPM 2.

Lygon Street is highlighted in red, the section in Yarra is highlighted in blue. Image credit: Streets Alive Yarra and Apple Maps.

Reimagining Lygon Street

Local champion Liz Irvin has examined Lygon Street as the final assignment of completing the “Designing the Cycling City” course.

Lygon Street is a bustling, lively street that could become a nicer place to walk, dine, socialise and linger by lowering motor traffic levels. Restaurants and bars could make the most of space for outdoor dining and entertainment, with themed furniture, music and even plants. Other street space could be converted into cycle or scooter parking, parklets, more retail space, street performers, art installations, community gardens…whatever residents and visitors want! 

A safe, attractive and direct cycling route along Lygon Street would enable people to cycle to the delights the street has to offer, and would create a major north-south cycling connection to increase cycling in and through Brunswick. Some of the reclaimed streetspace could be used to build covered and secure tram stops, with cycle bypasses to improve safety for people cycling and people using trams.

In the short term, cars could drive behind trams in the same lane. Parking is available on side roads and in off-street car parks a short walk from Lygon Street. Delivery vehicles would be permitted on the street during off-peak hours, and the use of cargo cycles would be promoted to allow for any time delivery.

Existing conditions. Image credit: Liz Irvin.
Proposed street layout. Image credit: Liz Irvin.

Local champion

Your local champion for Lygon Street is Liz Irvin, a transport planner. View all of Streets Alive Yarra’s champions on our supporters page.