Transforming public spaces

Cities all around the world are transforming their public spaces. Urb-i has been mapping these changes, with before/after images. They offer a map of all their sites: There are several …

VicRoads offers words not budget

VicRoads have published a video encouraging us to walk or cycle to school: Presumably, they realise the many people are avoiding public transport at the moment, owing to COVID-19. As …

Safety by design

The best way to increase safety, and also useability, for all street users, is by design. A key issue for safety is vehicle speed. In the event of a collision …

Unleash private enterprise

Sometimes State and Local Governments don’t have to spend taxpayer’s money on infrastructure – the best solution is to deliver the appropriate regulation and then get out of the way …

Transport responses to COVID-19

The Conversation reminds us that the liveability of our neighbourhoods has never been more important. One of the noticeable differences in our cities right now is the reduced car traffic …