Safe routes to school in Barcelona

Child in the City reports that civic leaders in Barcelona have embarked on an ambitious new project to transform school environments and turn them into safe, healthy and less-polluting spaces. …

Cremorne parking reform

In December 2020 the Victorian Planning Authority published the Cremorne Place Implementation Plan: One of its recommendations is to reform how parking is managed in Cremorne: In response Streets Alive Yarra …

Yarra footpath widths

Yarra has adopted an ‘Encouraging and Increasing Walking‘ policy document: Council’s responsibility is in providing a high-class pedestrian environment to ensure that those people who wish to walk can do …

Draft 30-year infrastructure strategy

Infrastructure Victoria have released Victoria’s draft 30-year infrastructure strategy for community consultation. It’s a 274 page report with 95 recommendations, covering: Confront long-term challenges Manage urban change Harness infrastructure for …

Design excellence at Darebin

The City of Darebin has launched a design excellence program, with a range of associated good design guides. So far they’ve released guides for apartments and medium density developments. Future …

WHO guidelines on physical activity

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has updated their guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour, stating that “every move counts”. The guidelines make recommendations for different cohorts of people, such …

Chapel Street Realisation Project

Chapel Street in the City of Stonnington is the continuation of Church Street in the City of Yarra. The Stonnington Bicycle User Group has published a report “The Chapel Street …

NZ guidance on parking

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has released guidance on parking management, for community consultation. As our cities and towns grow there is increasing competition for space on our roads …