Infrastructure Strategy 2021-2051

Infrastructure Victoria have published Victoria’s Infrastructure Strategy 2021-2051, containing multiple recommendations that support Streets Alive Yarra’s policy proposals, including for: improved footpaths and safe crossings, a network of protected bicycle …

Chapel Street design winner

The winner of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Australian & New Zealand design competition for Chapel Street has been announced – congratulations to the team at S.W.E.N.gineers. Design proposal The …

Open Data Policy

The City of Yarra adopted an Open Data Policy on the 22nd May 2018: Oddly, four years later, the policy is not available for download on the public transparency page …

Open Data

The federal government hosts, where organisations such as the City of Yarra can publish datasets, and anyone can view, download or follow the datasets. The main purpose of the …

Shopping streets recover from COVID

Writing in The Age newspaper, Simon Johanson reports that Melbourne’s shopping streets are bouncing back from COVID. Our view This is great news, and we suggest that shopping streets could …

Gear Change one year on

The UK Department for Transport have released a report describing the progress they’ve made since they issued the “Gear Change” policy one year ago. Strong support from the Prime Minister …

Amendment C269 2021

Councillors will consider amendment C269 at the council meeting on 3rd August 2021, to decide whether it should proceed to a planning panel. We last wrote about this in November …

Support for DoT bike lanes

This evening council will consider agenda item 9.1, a motion to express support for the pop-up bike lanes constructed by the state government Department of Transport (DoT) on Heidelberg Road, …