Rae Street is a residential street in the Local Area Place Making (LAPM) precinct of Scotchmer.

Location of Rae Street. Image background: Apple Maps.

LAPM review

Council conducted a LAPM review of the Scotchmer precinct in 2018, with the final report delivered in early 2019. The LAPM review identified multiple issues or problems on Rae Street.

Summary of issues for Scotchmer. Image credit: City of Yarra.

Protection from through traffic

Rae Street is protected from through traffic by barriers installed at two intersections, at Holden Street and Church Street. These barriers encourage through traffic to remain on declared arterials.

Intersection at Holden Street

At Holden Street, a median barrier prevents drivers from continuing south down Rae Street, if they are arriving from the west or north.

Median barrier at intersection of Rae and Holden Street, looking north. Image credit: Streets Alive Yarra.

Intersection at Church Street

At Church Street, a barrier prevents drivers from continuing north up Rae Street.

Barrier at intersection of Rae and Church Street, looking north up Rae Street. Image credit: Streets Alive Yarra.

Safety for people walking

A good news story is that in June 2020 Council added pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Rae and Scotchmer Streets. This treatment was approved on 5th March 2019 as part of the LAPM 3 (Scotchmer) package.

Pedestrian crossings at Rae / Scotchmer. Image credit: Ernesto Arriagada.

30 km/h speed limits

An even better treatment would be to designate the whole neighbourhood as a 30 km/h superblock. 30 km/h is a safer speed for all road users, and is supported by Safe System, the core of Victoria’s and Australia’s road safety strategies.

LAPM 3 Scotchmer as a 30 km/h superblock. Image credit: Google Maps, City of Yarra and Streets Alive Yarra.

Even better again would be to filter out through traffic by closing Rae Street between the Capital City Trail and Holden Street. This would also increase safety for people using the Capital City Trail. Access to properties would still be retained for local residents by entering from Scotchmer Street.

How you can help

You can help by appearing on the Streets Alive Yarra website as a champion for your local street, neighbourhood, or school.

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