Election 2020

It’s council election time, and we know it can be difficult to sort through all the campaign material. If you’d like some guidance on how much each candidate will support …

Outdoor dining on Swan Street

Ratio:consultants have developed a proposal for outdoor dining on Swan Street. Ratio:consultants found that a precinct wide approach delivered more benefits that individual parklets outside a single eatery. We’re excited …

Yarra adopts parking maximums

At the Council Meeting on 1st September 2020, the City of Yarra resolved to adopt parking maximums. The maximum car parking rate applies in the commercial areas of Cremorne, at …

Support for road closures

The Western Australia Department of Transport has released draft guidance for local area traffic management. Section 8 discusses filtered permeability with road closures, with an example on Macrae Road. The …

Streets for people in Melbourne

The City of Melbourne has announced that the city’s Little Streets will become more pedestrian friendly to allow for social distancing and encourage a return to the CBD when COVID-19 …

Gear Change – a bold vision

Gear Change – a bold vision for cycling and walking, is the UK Department of Transport’s vision for reallocating street space and budget to cycling and walking. The report was …

Designing streets for kids

The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) have released a new guide – Designing Streets for Kids. The guide points out that healthy kids means healthy adults. Streets for …

Your Say Yarra app

The City of Yarra has a draft Community Engagement Policy which commits to community engagement that is: Representative Accessible Meaningful Transparent Accountable Respectful Flexible Supportive Prepared Your Say Yarra app …

Manifesto for reform

Building on the Committee for Melbourne’s “Transporting Melbourne” report, Streets Alive Yarra offers the following “Manifesto for Reform” for the City of Yarra. The document describes several clearly identifiable trends: …

Transporting Melbourne

The Committee for Melbourne released a report titled “Transporting Melbourne – A call for an integrated transport plan for Melbourne“. We welcome and support the report. It’s a great contribution …