Gear Change one year on

The UK Department for Transport have released a report describing the progress they’ve made since they issued the “Gear Change” policy one year ago. Strong support from the Prime Minister …

Results of engagement on community vision

Council has released a report presenting some results from engagement on the community vision: The results align with previous community engagements, showing strong support for more trees, infrastructure for active …

What Australia wants

The Heart Foundation has released the results of a survey, titled “What Australia Wants“, which is to live locally in walkable neighbourhoods, and to redirect road funding to walking, cycling, …

Local Government Climate Emergency Toolkit

Version 1.0 of the Local Government Climate Emergency Toolkit has been published: The toolkit helpfully describes different roles in local government, including that of Councillors, the Chief Executive Officer, and …

Gear Change – a bold vision

Gear Change – a bold vision for cycling and walking, is the UK Department of Transport’s vision for reallocating street space and budget to cycling and walking. The report was …

Submission on 2020-21 budget

Streets Alive Yarra has made a submission to the City of Yarra on the proposed Budget 2020-21, Strategic Resource Plan, and Long Term Financial Strategy. Download and read it here: …

VicRoads offers words not budget

VicRoads have published a video encouraging us to walk or cycle to school: Presumably, they realise the many people are avoiding public transport at the moment, owing to COVID-19. As …